Somnipathy, the point-and-click adventure horror game of your nightmares, is going on sale as part of Steam Scream: The Revenge, from today through November 2nd! If you haven’t experienced the surreal and horrific world of Aggy yet, now is your perfect opportunity to do so BEFORE spooky season ends!

Since releasing the game last month, the team here at Tearcell Games has been furiously at work squishing bugs and exorcising ghosts from the game, to make sure that every single player has the best experience possible while navigating Aggy through the worst days of her life.
We also just released an updated version of the free demo for Somnipathy, which takes you part way through the first level of story mode with the exact same experience as the full game. And here on you can even play it from your browser! That’s right, we’re giving away over an hour and a half of gameplay in story mode for FREE, so that you get the opportunity to try before you buy… and bring your save file directly into the full game when you do!