Next fest has come and gone, the feedback was read, the streams analyzed, and a short 2 weeks later we have our next version ready JUST in time for Steams Screamfest! That’s right! The demo returns TOMORROW on Steam!

So what’s changed? First for Screamfest we bring you a test bed turned Halloween level in a NEW score attack level. This is a very different beast from the Ludum Dare 50 stage, much harder, but hopefully more interesting, and with a new leaderboard to boot!

Next? A brand spanking new introduction in story mode! The introduction was by far the most critiqued part of the game, and the new intro should address nearly all the issues brought up. You speak, we hear, and together we make a better game

And then last but not least we added a sprint mechanic. Changing movement speed is a tricky prospect, but the decision space this adds to the game is immense, and we hope you’ll enjoy it.